formatting a computer

formatting a computer this will teach all you need to know the steps to format a computer ... the tools that we will use windows can be a neglected or an original ... that they can get in a support or just download it ...

1 the first thing you should do before you format a machine is ... logically ... turn on the computer .. Enter 2nd motherboard software .. the famous bios .. Wing 3rd to enter pc bios .. ensendemos, precionamos the delete key or f2 or f10 good there are different ways to get to the bios. 4th in driver check in config .. is connected the hard drive and cd-rom this is important ... but they can never formatted. 5th seek the boot or boot sequence .. and set the cd-rom is the first boot .. 6th put the cd Precionan 7th f10 or go hang out and give option to save changes .. 8th restart the pc alone and asked to press any key to boot from cd and precionan 9th wait and tell them when you load that partition installed ... give in c .. and give quick format and then only following .. next reboot the pc but not enough veses the key precionen asked that but never finished the installation ... this is all the next blog I will give to conoser as saving the data ... or to backup data ..

for the course they give you to know the next time they need to prepare an easy program called partition, this program will serve to divide the hard disk into the parts you want.
do not leave the link to download it is forbidden for the blog .. just digiten in google,, easy partition and downloaded ...
then teach them how to use it

remember that you can subscribe to the computer repair diploma the Diloma is sent anywhere in the world without charge ..
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